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Table 2 Four categories and their specific details for designating AAS in South Korea

From: Current status of alert alien species management for the establishment of proactive management systems in Korea

4 criteria of designating AAS

Specific details

Alien species that are globally recognized for their risks

Promotion of the designation of species recognized as harmful by international organizations such as IUCN’s World’s Worst IAS comprising 100 species

Specify species for legal management by neighboring countries (such as China and Japan) and major trading partners (such as US and EU); prior review of species prohibited to import from other countries

Species that have caused social or ecological damage

Promotion of the designation of species that caused social damage such as human diseases and industrial damage

Promotion of the designation of species that caused ecological harm through predation, hybridization, etc., of indigenous species

Species with genetic and ecological characteristics similar to existing IAS (30 species)

Promotion of the IAS designation of similar species expected to have increased demand due to the ballooning effects of IAS designation

Promotion of the designation of a genus if there are several allied species with similar attributes

Species with a high probability of settlement due to habitat conditions being similar to those in South Korea

Promotion of the prioritized designation of species that are highly likely to spread due to their high fertility rate