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Table 1 Summary of environmental conditions for the three clusters (A, B, and C) and the control groups with means. Standard deviations are presented in parentheses. Superscript letters indicate significant differences between clusters based on Dunn’s test, p < 0.05

From: Spatial distribution of halophytes and environment factors in salt marshes along the eastern Yellow Sea






Altitude (m)

3.71 (1.26) a

2.82 (0.23) b

3.89 (0.73) a

3.31 (0.69)

Soil moisture (%)

14.70 (5.03) a

17.51 (1.70) b

11.96 (5.29) c

13.54 (5.83)

Soil organic matter (%)

1.28 (0.62) a

1.70 (0.25) b

1.24 (0.67) a

1.33 (0.57)


6.89 (0.54)

7.23 (0.17)

7.04 (0.59)

7.73 (0.49)

Salinity (ppm)

634.57 (620.74) a

1508.54 (367.09) b

564.33 (548.07) a

1036.58 (537.65)

Sand (%)

45.97 (35.33) a

8.71 (8.11) b

60.39 (26.31) a

35.64 (36.16)

Clay (%)

15.29 (12.33) a

17.73 (6.02) b

10.59 (8.40) a

12.91 (9.17)

Silt (%)

38.74 (23.74) a

73.55 (4.85) b

29.23 (19.00) a

51.45 (30.10)